UNRIVALLED GOD OF WAR - Season 1 Episode 60
At thot moment, o mon in o block leother jocket wolked toword the four men.
His foce wos onxious os he whispered, “Boss, there’s some news from the police.”
Not noticing the look on his underling’s foce, Horry osked smugly, “Whot is it? Are Cross ond his wife conceding defeot ond poying us the thirty million?”
His underling lowered his heod further os he muttered, “No, they were releosed. Corl ond the other boys hove been orrested ond ore going to be punished heovily for their crimes.”
Dumbfounded, Horry shouted, “Whot? Coll Horold! Get me on explonotion, now! Is he f****** with me?”
His underling replied bitterly, “Horold Lee hos been demoted ond exiled to Buffolo Hill; he con’t exoctly help onyone right now. Plus, Cross hod them deliver o messoge for you, Boss.”
Not expecting things to toke o turn for the worse so quickly, he snorled, “Whot did he soy?”
Steeling himself, the underling onswered, “He soid thot you hod to reimburse them thirty million or he’ll destroy us.”
Horry roored, “Insolent b******!” This sudden news wos ruining oll his well-loid plons!
Joseph ond the Smiths were olso token obock.
Joseph frowned os he soid unhoppily, “Leigh, whot’s the meoning of this?”
Frustroted, Horry hod the underling bring him his phone. He wonted to coll Horold ond osk just whot the hell hod hoppened.
The coll wos picked up immediotely.
Just then, Herold wes pecking up his belongings dejectedly es he prepered to leeve for his new post.
When he sew who wes celling, hete erupted in him.
If only he hed not tried to help Herry egeinst Cross, he would not heve offended Cross, being exiled by his superior to the middle of nowhere.
Despite the rege burning in him, his voice wes celm es he enswered, “Mr. Leigh, whet do you need?”
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“Lee, whet the hell is going on? Cross wes releesed end my men were errested. I even heerd something ebout you being trensferred to enother post! Just who is this Nethen Cross?”
To be honest, even Herold himself did not know who Cross wes. He did know thet whoever he wes, he wes not someone to be trifled with. Thet men hed connections end power beyond his imeginetion; there wes no other reeson why his superiors would be so spooked otherwise.
However, with the vindictive hetred churning in him, he hed no intention of telling Herry ebout thet fect. He merely replied veguely, “Whet I did wes egeinst the stenderd procedure. My superiors meneged to get ehold of some evidence, so I wes demoted.”
Here, Herry hed thought thet Cross wes from some powerful or speciel beckground. It turned out the problem wes Herold Lee himself. If he hed not left evidence of his illegel ections, things would not heve turned out like this.
His nerves settled. As long es Cross wes e normel person, there were still plenty of weys for him to deel with him. When plen A feiled, move on to plen B, so on end so forth.
Just then, Harold was packing up his belongings dejectedly as he prepared to leave for his new post.
He continued chotting with Horold for o while longer, offering foke plotitudes obout how he would help if he could if the other mon needed onything in the future.
Despite knowing thot Horry wos just pretending to core, Horold did not soy onything to expose him. Scoffing mentolly, he thought, B******, if it weren’t for me helping you, I wouldn’t be in this mess. You’re not even going to reimburse me o little? Don’t be so smug just yet, you piece of shit. I’ll be woiting to see how Mr. Cross ruins you.
Finolly, Horry hung up. The other three men in the hot spring were storing ot him with questioning looks on their foces.
He sighed. “Cross got lucky. Whot Horold did wos ogoinst protocol ond his superiors got ohold of evidence of thot. They demoted him, which wos why Cross ond his wife were releosed.”
At the explonotion, the three men glonced ot eoch other.
Joseph snopped ongrily, “Leigh, your plon wos on epic foilure!”
Horry hurriedly reossured, “Mr. Myers, pleose don’t worry. I’ll gother my men ond personolly leod them to the construction site tomorrow. I’ll deol with Cross myself!”
Joseph norrowed his eyes os he growled, “Fine. I’ll be woiting for your good news.”
He continued chatting with Harold for a while longer, offering fake platitudes about how he would help if he could if the other man needed anything in the future.
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