So many skúlls and human bønes were there, Shamara started crying as she held unto me as if her life depends on it, I suddenly started hearing a familiar voice shouting down below to us.
“lie down, lie down flat and pretend to be déãd. The lions doesn’t eat déãd people. Tamar I know you can hear me, please do as I say, lie down so that the animals will not hürt you much. pleaseeee…”
The voice was a man, it was like an echo, but the crowd was too noisy and I couldn’t ascertain who it was, but I stood there ignoring who ever that maybe and spread out my arms in the air.
I asked Shamara to lie down and pretend to be déãd as the voice has instructed, she quickly did, there was light coming from the other end as the lions came in full view.
I can hear the voice clearer now, it was Vim.
He was screaming, he was shouting at Mandioh to get us out but it was already too late, the lion’s were gradually coming to us, they didn’t rush at us as expected, I opened my eyes and the first one moved around me, sniffing me all over.
one dug its sharp teeth into my thigh then another follows, and I fell to the ground, and another was at shamara, they sniff at her to know if she is truly déãd but Shamara became afrãid and began to shake all over.
She was shaking and crying seriously, the lion’s dug their fañgs into her hand and other part of her body.
I quickly went over to her with my bleeding thigh, I dragged myself to where she was.
the lions were not so quick to finish us up, something was holding them back, some invisible presence.
They supposed to finish us up within seconds but instead they will try to take a chew and stop as if our flesh taste bitter.
the second béãst, dig again into my cheek, my face bleed, as they tried to find a better flesh to feed on.
their teeth was all over me as I covered Shamara with my body, it seem my body was too bitter as they keep putting their sharp fangs on me, it seem we were not a good meat for them as they kept putting their mouth and removing it as quickly as possible but their sharp teeth was all over my body but they never took a bite out of me.
The lions later left us alone, I was loosing too much bloo from the wound, same with shamara.
I held on even as my eyes began to cloud up.
Suddenly there was a scream and then a hard thud to the ground. Somebody was pushed from way up and the person fell into the den.
And behold it was Okra, Vim was the one that pushed her into the open den.
she fell heavily and blood splattered everywhere.
She was still alive as she kept muttering “help me, Tamar please help me! tell your god to save me, I don’t want to die. no…no..I’m not ready to die now. tell your god to help me…”
And as I try to open my mouth to say a word the lions rushed at her and I shut my eyes as they began to feed on her hungrily, her screaming faint off as life left her body.
I can hear the lifter bringing somebody else with speed down, and it was Mandioh.
I can hear him saying loudly as the lifter was coming down to the den “Vim, I sweär to you, is not my fault. Okra told me you washed your hands off her, I did not do this intentionally, I didn’t. it was Okra, she told me you are not interested in the slave girl anymore, that was why I proceeded. the people here can bear me witness that I asked Okra. Vim tell them to lift me up from this lifter, tell them to take me up” those lions belong to me, they can not eat me, they are all mine, I own them, I am the lion god…”
I can hear Vim screaming above with a choked emotional voice.
He was shouting at the guards and people who came to watch the lion’s feasting show.e
” I will k!ll everyone one of you, all of you. go and get me a riflé, I will k!ll everyone one of you that has a hand in this. if she d!es I will k!ll as many people as possible today. this kingdom will not rest until everyone is brought down, go and get me a riflé quickly or you will be the next to go down to the lions belle..”
Mandioh was lowered, I opened my blood shot eyes wide in shock and watch as the lion rushed him.
I shut my eyes from the horr!fying sight.
Mandioh the lion god was consumed in no time and the animāls fìght over his bone.
Shamara has loosed a lot of blood and was not moving again, she became weak at every passing seconds.
I can hear Vim telling them to hurry up, then suddenly, it was like a shovel that shovelled me and Shamara into the lifter and we were taking up to the surface.
I couldn’t move, I was covered in blood, all over, Vim was panicking as he asked a man to check if I was still breathing.
I heard the man who seem to be a physician told him I was not breathing, he couldn’t find a pulse, no sign that I was still alive.
He told Vim that I and Shamara, who is the second slave girl from his description, have loosed too much bløød already.
He told Vim that I was already déãd, i and shamara were both confirmed déãd.
I can hear everything yet I couldn’t move, it felt like I was ceased at that spot.
Immediately the physician told Vim that I was déãd, I heard a loud scream, Vim was the one screaming.
I wanted to shake, I wanted to say a word to show I wasn’t dead yet but I couldn’t, I just lay there in the pull of my own blood.
I can hear everything going on around me, I started hearing a heavy gun shot as the people flew in different direction, people were running, I can hear their foot sound.
I guessed Vim shot at the lions because of the terrible noise they all made, it was horror to the ear, everywhere was noisy, the gun shot continued, down below into the den as Vim kept shooting.
“Son, lift this one to your shoulder, I will carry this other one, let’s go and dispose them off…”
It was the physicians voice, and I was lifted to somebody’s shoulder and after sometime, I was on a moving wheel.
I can hear strange voices, it appears to be the physician and his son, they spoke to each other, as the man asked the son to speed up before they will be caught.
I over heard them say they were going to the far end of the fourth district, far off from where they took me and Shamara from.
Darkness clouded me as it shot through me and I can’t hear or feel anything anymore, I try to shout Jesus but couldn’t move my mouth as darkness was pressing me deeply down.
I kept saying the name in my innermost mind and eventually I spoke it out loud like a silent whisper.
“son, hurry…fasten up please, i just heard her call a name, she just mentioned somebody’s name. she is not really dead like we assumed. We can’t use her for your practical, if we get to a safer place you park let’s see if we can attend to all this their deep wound…,”
“…Since she is still alive, I guess her second hould also be. listen son, nobody must know that they are alive, because we have told everyone that they are both dead. A “go ahead” has being issued to us to go ahead and put their body at the burial ground, if they know that they are alive, especially that young mad man, Lord Vim, the second Prime ruler’s son will come for our head, so we have to be careful. You must not say a word of this to anyone or we’re both doomed…”
I was so weak that I couldn’t hear anything again as they kept on speaking, I wanted to listen to all their conversation but strength failed me.
all I see is darkness and a tiny ray light coming from somewhere I can’t tell.
But as tiny as the light is it was enough to hold onto.
It makes me forget what pain feels like and right then I was smiling, I felt at peace as I saw the face smiling right back at me.
Even in the dark his face shone so bright.