Every politician/ billonaire must have a dirty secret that if released into the public will be the end of their fame or wealth.
Meet tyler drake ,the youngest billonaire in korea.
Not only he is rich but he got the looks that can make any girl in korea to kill their relatives just for a night with him.
But he has a secret, a secret that even his bestfriend doesn't know but what happens when a girl finds out and used it to blackmail him.
Meet melissa, a high rank criminal, her job is to hack into any popular billonaire's private info and when she finds any dirty secrets he/she is withholding from the public....she threatens to expose it or else he/she pays her a huge amount of money.
What happens when Tyler drake becomes her next target.
And what happens if she didn't ask for money from tyler but she asked for a marriage with Mr popular tyler.
Will he agree?.
A blackmail marriage.