The more I think of Ellie and Chumi, the more the picture appears clear.
I was getting convinced that Ellie was Chumi’s daughter but I needed to prove it before going after her.
Since she found pleasure in tormenting my life, I will gladly pay back in kind. by the time I’m hundred percent sure that she’s Ellie’s mother and the usual niece and aunty thing that has been going on for long was all fake, then I will be ready to lunch my attack and save Yoara from future disaster.
Why will she even lie about her own child, I’m sure Yoara wouldn’t have minded if she’s a single Mom or not, he loves her regardless but deceiving him and probably having another side boyfriend too as Ellie mentioned there’s second daddy, and pretending to be Mrs perfect, that’s the height of deception.
I will definitely get to the root of it.
I was in church that Sunday, Konji whom I noticed was busy doing eye service try to make fun of me that I came because of a woman but i had so much in mind and his petty troubles isn’t one of them.
He was stuffing hot buns and coke into his mouth like a hungry wolf.
He ate all the whole hot buns in a goal without offering me any and is not like I was going to eat if he had offered but atleast I will know that he was not stingy.
I was purposely in church to see Omie and know the update about the job.
I saw her when I came in the morning but she only smiled at me from a distance.
She was too busy directing worshipers to their seats.
I couldn’t wait for church to be over so that I will know the latest update concerning the job.
Konji was no where in sight, I only saw him in the morning going about in his church attires, just like other church workers were doing.
Focusing only on those with big cars or that are well dressed.
He will greet them with all smiles while holding either a long sweeper or parker.
He will bow his head at them and try to do both cleaner and usher job at same time just because of some tips.
I have seen two people squeeze something into his palm and he appeared more joyous.
I only pity him because if he continues this way, soon enough he will no longer have a Job.
If I say something now, he will say is only because I’m jealous, I will rather keep quiet.
When he walked up to me and try to attach my coming to church to Omie, I walked away from him.
I just don’t have the strength to start exchanging words today.
After service I waited outside for Omie, she asked me to give her few minutes and she will be right back.
I was waiting outside when Konji came again.
“I said it, Omie is the reason while you’re in church today, you can’t tell me otherwise..”
“You’re right Konji. You’re usually wrong in your guess except today. She’s the reason why I’m here. Is there a problem with that?
He gave me a funny wink before saying “are you two dating now or you’re still running round the circle, looking for the courage to express yourself. You may look harden but not on the inside. You’re a scared little goat and can’t even speak boldly to a woman..”
“I agree. You’re also right Konji. Is there still a problem with being a scared little goat..? I replied.
“Well, I know that the Omie that I have seen with my eyes will not want to date somebody like you. She should have class and you’re not close to that class of men that she moves with. So I will advise you like a good friend to quit wasting your time and concentrate in making money first..”
I saw Omie coming, thanks goodness. Good time to get away from Konji and the trouble he seeks from me.
“I will try and remember your good advice but please stop with the eye service thing that you do around here. You will think that no one notices, but also remember that God sees all and knows all. I might not have surrendered fully to God but I certainly know that there’s God somewhere. You can go back in cleaning the toilets, I’m sure is messed up by now..”
I walked away from him to go meet Omie.
“I hope you enjoyed today’s service, because it was awesome..” Omie said.
I’m not sure I was really paying attention during the preaching. I will say maybe the worship songs gets to me.
I enjoy that part even though I don’t know the song but their chorister are really good and today’s isn’t the first time that their worship hour makes me get up to my feet.
“Yeah, the service was awesome and I’m glad I came..”
She threw her hands into the air and exclaimed happily.
“I’m finally getting to you. I hope you make it a date next Sunday too. We also have midweek service that you can attend if it’s convenient for you..”
“Okay Omie, I want to know if there’s still hope for the job or I should quit waiting and go searching for another, I’m really tired of staying idle with no money. I’m running out of patient. A man without money or a good job is defenseless, I have been in this situation for a long time and no long want to be here..” I said as I can no longer wait for the reasonable feedback she promised me within the week.
She gasped out at first and said
“I told you that the woman is on a journey and I was told that she will be back by month end. I’m sorry for the delay but don’t give up because this Job is actually for real and I wouldn’t be on it if it wasn’t. I can give you some money, so that you will no longer be “defenseless”. It may not be much but it will take you maybe few days or a week..”
“You want to give me money..”? I replied her, surprised.
“Yes Tom, hope you don’t mind?
“No..I can’t accept free money from you. That seems awkward. Please don’t bother..I will be fine as usual.
“I insist, please accept it because is sincerely from my heart and since you don’t like free things especially from women, Let me call it.. lending you some money to hold yourself together until you get a Job or something doing ..”
I was speechless at first. “Omie, you don’t have to. Why…why are you doing this. I mean…I have nothing to offer you yet you are going out of your ways for me..”
She wasgrinning this time and making me want to smile along.
“I go out of my ways for my friends and you’re my friend Tom. Christ went out to die so that we will have eternal life..”
She deep hand into her bag, brought out a purse that has a baby purse inside but the second baby purse was attached together with the first one. It appears very fanciful for a girl.
I wondered why some ladies carry too many things just in one bag
Without counting the money, she gave me everything she pulled out from her second purse.
She stretched it out to me and I restricted myself from collecting the plenty neat note.
That was way beyond my expectations. All of this really for me or this is kind of a joke
“…Take it, accepting it will gladens my heart.
I stretched my hand and collected it. I stared at the money “Omie, you mean all of this is for me? Isn’t it too much… do you have something left for yourself. You can take out some and give me half… this is way.. beyond my expectations..”
“Please take all of it. It will atleast help you go a day or two..”
“Thanks Omie. This is more than just a day or two, it will go a long way for me. Thank you so much.. this means a lot..and I will pay back once I get a Job…”
“You really don’t have to worry over anything, I’m your friend Tom. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask, even if I can’t help at that moment, I will look for somebody that will help out…”
I smiled and try to carefully push the whole notes into my pocket when I saw Konji coming towards us.
He will start another uninteresting topic if he happens to see Omie giving me plenty cash
“…and Tom, another important thing you shouldn’t forget is that you will always be in my prayers..”
I really don’t know how to respond to that. This will be the first time somebody will tell me such a nice thing.
I quietly nodded as Konji arrived.
“Hey Omie, I saw Tomasi begging you for money and you gave him. You shouldn’t really be giving him money because he doesn’t want to become hard-working like me. He should go and get a Job and stop acting like a beggar. Well, except if the money was for a purpose aside what I was thinking. But did you know that since money I haven’t eaten anything, I don’t even have a dime to buy anything right now.. but don’t worry, God will feed me because this hard work that I’m doing is actually for God… right?”
Omie smile and shakes her head. I’m sure she was tired of konji’s style of begging people for alms.
“Let’s all go and eat, there’s a fine eatery not too far from the church…”
“But I don’t have any money to pay for any fancy food, don’t worry, let me continue hoping on God..” Konji said as he pretend not be interested.
“You don’t have to worry about the bills, God has already sent me to take care of it. Yes, is good to hope on God and trust God to supply your needs and not men, because men may disappoint…”
Konji started his usual drama, dancing all over the place while praising Omie who was giggling like a child.
I wish I can slap him to stop acting his fake drama but I kept quiet as we all left.
Konji pushed me aside and rush to walk side by side with Omie as she walked straight to her car which was parked outside the gate in a parking space.
Konji screamed as he appeared in shock immediately Omie unlocked and went into her new expensive car
“, You even have a fine car? Woah Omie, I never knew or seen you in it before. You’re exactly the kind of woman I have been praying to God for. Oh my God..I don’t know that you can afford this kind of car. Could this be God answering my prayers…wow.”
Konji and his drama. How will he even know that Omie has a car despite he works here, when he was busy focusing on big people driving into the church premises and those that are richly dressed.
He wasn’t expecting a lady usher to have money.
I also did not know that Omie can even drive or has money to the extent of giving me a whole lot of it, she was way too humble and nice to a common man like me.
Konji rushed to the front seat before I could get there, so that he can sit with Omie.
I sat at the back quietly and continue listening to Konji who kept talking nonstop while Omie drove off.