?Katherine’s POV?
It was on monday morning. I alighted from the taxi and headed to EHS main gate. And there I met Emeka talking to the guards. I tried to dodge so he won’t see me, I didn’t want to st©p and talk to
the guards.
Emeka caught me before I could move along with the Junior Students.
“Hey Kate!” I heard him calling my name.
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I was kinda feeling guilty. I’d promised to call Emeka during break just to check up on him. I planned to use my mom’s phone but dad surprised me by giving me back my phone. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t tell Emeka, my dad seized my phone. And seriously, I totally forgot my promise to
him. My mind was so occupied with only one person..Jeffrey Adams!
He called me on saturday night to say goodnight and a Happy Sunday Text. But he didn’t pick up his call when I tried his number around 12:00pm when I c@m£ back from church. Even till now, his
line was switched off.
“How are you?” Emeka asked
“Hi Emeka!” I greeted with an unsual tone. I was hoping that Emeka won’t ask me the reason why I didn’t call him.
Gosh! I don’t even remember where I dropped the piece of paper he wrote his number on before giving it to me.
“How are you doing?” He asked again
“I’m fine..Thanks” I answered
I hope you enjoyed your break?”
“My break was perfect!” I exclaimed
Oh!Oh!No! What’s wrong with me?!
“Really? So what made your break perfect?” He asked
“Ahmm..nothing much i went to the mall to buy some books. And I re-ad them”
“Oh! Why didn’t you call me to let me know you wanted to visit the mall?” Emeka said in a sad tone
“I would be more than glad to tag along” he added
“I didn’t stay for too long..” I replied
“It doesn’t matter..and that reminds me why didn’t you give me a call?”
I didn’t respond
“Urgh Kate..I was really expecting your call.. Badly” he gave me a childish look
“Forgive me Emeka…I misplaced the paper you gave me” I replied without looking at him
“Then..It was my fault. I should have written it..Here” He pushed at my forehead. A hvge smile on his face.
And I smiled back at him.
“Give me another one so I can save it” I said
“Where is your phone?”
“I left it at home” I replied
I saw no reason to bring it to school.
“I’ll give you when we close so you won’t misplace it” he said
The Bell Rang! @ssembly Time!
And Emeka and I rushed to cl@ss to drop our backpacks.
?Katherine’s POV ?
It was Lunch Time and Jeffrey didn’t show up at school today. I was so worried about him.
Why didn’t he come to school today?
Is he sick?
Different thoughts flooded my mind.
I was distracted. I couldn’t concentrate in cl@ss as I kept glancing at the door to see if Jeffrey would walk in.
It was surprising that I was alre-ady too drawn to Jeffrey Adams in few days!
I couldn’t work on my plans to talk to Joseph about Emeka, just to settle the dispute between them.
During free period, Elena asked me if Emeka explained anything to me and I said yes. Joseph had refused to tell Elena the reason he punched Emeka. A Junior Student c@m£ to call Elena when I
was about Writing on our gist pad..and I promised to tell her everything when she returns…But I haven’t seen her. Elena was busy helping Mr Daniel to mark his Night School Scripts.
Is it right for me to tell Elena?
I wondered how she would feel if she finds out Joseph punched Emeka because of me. I mean..Joseph likes me and she was in love with Him too!
Elena won’t be happy about it but I wasn’t re-ady to hide anything from her to.. justify myself. I only need to tell her that I don’t love Joseph. And I don’t plan to love or fall in love with Joseph!
I placed my head on the Libr@ry desk and gro-an ed in frustration when I couldn’t concentrate on the novel I was re-ading.
Jeffrey!Jeffrey! Where are you?!
Why didn’t you show up today?!
I can’t go on thinking like this..
The Bell Rang
Then I decided that I was going to visit the store to check on Jeffrey.
As students trotted out of the Libr@ry, someone bu-mped into me, ma-king me drop the books I was holding in my arms.
“Good for you” the voice said
It was Angella!
“Excuse me” I said
“Excuse me” she mocked coldly and walked off with her friends who giggled as they went. I shook my head, I don’t have her time today. I wasn’t in the mood for exchange of words with Angella.
I bend down to pick my books.
“Don’t mind Angella” A girl said as she help me to pick up the books. I looked at her. It wasn’t a familiar face. The girl was in s£nior cl@ss probably SS1or 2.
“Angella is a horrible person. It’s better to avoid her like a plague” The girl said as she gave the book to me.
“I know..” I replied
“But do you know its because of someone..”
“Yes.. I mean do you know why she’s acting like that -”
“Well..You know -” she leaned forward
“Who?” I asked curiously
“James Joseph i heard his eyes are on you now and she can’t stand it”
“I don’t know what you are saying”
How in hell did they find out Joseph is sweet on me? Is there some gossip flying around that I don’t know?
Oh God! Don’t let it be what am thinking!
“Is it true?” She asked
“Of Course not!” I replied with a frown.
“There’s nothing going on between you and James.. Like him asking you out or you meeting him up at his friend’s place for secret meeting”
Secret Meeting?! Hell No!
“No” I replied
And i was beginning to suspect this girl!
“You have to be careful of Angella”
“Who are you?” I asked
“Pardon my manners, I’m Adesewa”
She stretched forth her hand for an handshake.
Adesewa? I’ve heard Elena and Temi talking about a girl called Adesewa. I heard that she and Angella aren’t on good terms for some reasons..Joseph!”
“You haven’t heard about Me”
“No..” I lied
“Well I know you” she said
I know you too Adesewa! i just don’t want to discuss anything with you! Because I’m not in a good mood today. But it’s only polite to return her greetings.
“I’m Katherine” I shook hands with her. And before I could process anything, she pu-ll-ed me to herself. We were about the same height. I was taken aback by the swift movement.
“If you don’t mind, we can work together to bring down Angella. Work with me to silence her before she plans something big against you”
I j£rked free from Adesewa.
All I could see in her eyes was Anger. It was clear that Adesewa wanted revenge because of what Angella did to her. I don’t care! I mean its none of my business!
“Thanks for the advice but I don’t think am interested in working with you to bring someone else down. And thanks for helping me” I walked off
Now it was happening again! The most popular girl dlsikes me because of her b©yfri£ndlikes me!
Joseph was causing problems among these girls!
* •••••••••• *
Emeka dropped me at Jeffrey’s store before driving off. My heartbeat ra-pidly as I stepped into the store. Aunty Joke was sitting at the pay desk. She looked at me when the door beeped.
“Oh! Kate!” She said
“Good evening Ma” I greeted
She gestured to me to move closer to the counter.
“How was school today?”
“It was fine Ma”
“I guess you are here to see Jeffrey”
“Yes.. He didn’t show up at school today and his line is switched off”
“So you are worried about Jeffrey” she said
Aunty Joke rested her chin on her elbow. I was worried about Jeffrey!
“Perhaps did Jeffrey tell you about his mom?” She asked
“Yes..He did..” I stuttered
The store was silent
“So what did you say to him?”
“Ahmm..l told him not to blame anyone for mom’s death”
She shook her head.
“Good..Kate” she said
“Is Jeffrey..”
“Do you like Jeffrey?”
Aunty Joke interrupted me
“Come on..Tell me the truth. You don’t need to hide anything from me because Jeffrey showed me the pictures you snapped at the mall” she said with a bright smile
Aunty Joke must be someone like my mom who likes gists!
But I wasn’t re-ady to admit to her that I like Jeffrey. She might tell him!
Her smile dropped and she turned Serious.
“I need your help” she said
My heartbeat accelerated
I hope Jeffrey is fine!
“Wh..Where Is Jeffrey?” I panicked
Her forehead creased.
She was taking too much time.
I need to see Jeffrey! I wanted to say but I held back in restraint.
“Lola had a miscarriage Yesterday afternoon..So he’s sad about it”
“Is he at the hospital?”
“He just c@m£ in a while ago”
I looked around the store but I couldn’t find him.
“Where is he?”
“Behind that shelf over there..before getting to the restroom” she pointed towards the direction.
“Ca..Can I go and see him?”
“Of Course” she answered
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I walked on but soon st©pped and c@m£ back back the counter.
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Some of the Novels that required more resources to update are Understated Dominance, Unrivaled Warrior, The Girlboss Begs For Remarriage ETC.Thank you for your support!
“You said..that you need my help”
“Oh Yes! It’s something simple”
She picked her phone on the counter.
“I want you to work your magic on him so he can smile like this again..” She pointed to an image on her phone.
We were both smiling with our head together!
Jeffyrey didn’t delete them?!
And why did he transfer it to his Aunt?!
“plea-se do this for me..And I’ll be grateful”
She held a pleading look. And slowly I made my way to the shelf.
What gave her the @ssurance that I could put a smile on Jeffrey’s face?
To be honest I was sad about Madam Lola Miscarriage. I met Jeffrey behind the shelf, he sat down with his knee up and head bowed. I walked close and sat in front of him in India style.
“Jeff?” I called in a low tone.
He didn’t respond maybe he was fast asleep. I leaned forward and t©uçhed his knee.
“Jeffrey? Can you hear me?”
Then he raised up his head. He was surprised to see me.
“Kate?” He rubbe-d his eyes
“When did you get here?” He asked
“Not..Too long..”
He sighed
Are you okay?” I asked
Jeffrey re-adjusted his position and sat like me.
“I’m fine..Or don’t I look well?” He said with a half smile
“You look tired..and sad to me” I said
Jeffrey closed his eyes for a second.
“That’s not going to change the expression” I said
He reopened his eyes and rubbe-d his palms together.
I reached out to him and held his large hands in mine.
“Aunty Joke told me what had happened to your stepmom”
Then he looked straight at me. His fake smile disappeared and it was replaced with the saddest look I’ve never seen. I wasn’t happy to see him like that..and i wanted to put a smile on his face.
“There’s more..Right -?” I asked
He replied with a nod
“So..Do you want to talk to me about it..?” I asked calmly
I didn’t want him to feel pressured.
Jeffrey swallowed h@rd
“To be honest Kate I was relieved after I told you everything on saturday. That story you said really moved my heart and I knew I’d been unfair to my father” he paused
Jeffrey squee-zed my hands gently.
“I have refused to regard them as my parents and its bad. Yesterday when I got back home, I met my stepmom laying in the pool of her own blood and my dad wasn’t around so I rushed her to the
hospital. And I was told that she lost her baby” he explained
“You know..I’ve always wanted to have a younger brother/sister but losing one really pierced my heart. And I realized that I’ve been unfair to my Stepmom. I’m a bad person Kate..I should have
accepted her before it got to this..” I noticed a tear dropped down his chin.
“Its my fault” he bowed his head
“No Don’t blame yourself”
“I didn’t want to go back home because of her but it was a wrong decision. I would have saved the baby if I had gotten home early”
I wiped his tear
“It wasn’t your fault”
That was all i could say to him. And before I had time to think more about it i just hvgged Jeffrey!
That was all I could think of to comfort him. He wasn’t expecting it so it took him more time to adjust before before his hand c@m£ around me. I whispered soothing words to him.
Second cli-cked by before Jeffrey calmed.
“Thank You” he mumbled
“Oh my God..i shouldn’t have let you see me cry like a baby” He joked
“Its no big deal” I said
“I’m emotional and I don’t look good whenever I cry..”
I silenced him with a f!nger on hisl-ips.
“We’re pretty much alike in that aspect”
“Hmm..No I don’t know how to comfort someone. I’d no idea of what to say to my stepmom when she woke up. She’s so pitiful”
He said.
I cu-mpped his face
“Listen to me Jeff am sure she won’t blame you for anything”
“You think so?”
I nodded
“Well, why don’t you work on getting in a bit close to her? Do it for the baby”
“The baby is gone” he said soberly I rolled my eyes
“Another one will come..” I re@ssured him
He nodded in agreement
Jeffrey t©uçhed my face and grazed his knuckles along my cheeks.
“I’m happy to see you” he said
I smiled
“So how was school today?”
“Fine..But boring” I replied
“Yes, that’s because you didn’t show up at school. And you weren’t picking my calls”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t go with phone to the hospital. It’s still at home now”
“Switched off” i said
“I was worried about you” I admitted
I bit my lower l!pas I felt Jeffrey’s eyes on me.
“Weird..right?” I mumbled
He cleared his throat
“I mean..its normal to be worried be a..friend” he added
A friend?!
No I don’t feel this way for my dear friend Emeka or even Charles!
“Y.e..Yeah” i replied in a low tone
Everything was different with Jeffrey Adams!
It seems Jeffrey only sees me as a friend so I shouldn’t expect too much or more from him.
Maybe he’s in love in with another girl?
I wondered
“Are you okay?” He asked
“Yes.. Yes.. I’m fine” I stood up
“W..well I only dropped by to check on you..and give you some notes..we wrote today”
I searched for my literature, Government And Maths notes.
I was in a hurry to leave. It won’t be a good idea staying around cause I might end crying. The mere thought of Jeffrey loving another girl and seeing me a just a friend brou-ght tears to my eyes but I did my best at fighting the urge to cry.
Elena must have felt this way too!
“Are you leaving?” Jeffrey was on his feet now
“Yes..Yes..I don’t want my nanny to worry too much..”
I Zi-pped my backpack
“I’ll see you tomorrow” I said and I would have raced out of the store again but Jeffrey was quic-k to gr-ab my upper arm. I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill anytime soon.
No! Don’t be crier!
And I didn’t turn to look at him.
“Its getting..late..So I should..Leave” I said shakily
No! plea-se don’t move! I said to myself when Jeffrey made his move to stand in front of me. He tilted my chin to look at him. I looked away from him. He didn’t st©p. Jeffrey leaned in.
“I’m sorry” he apologized. Why was he apologizing? Can Jeffrey tell what’s going on in my mind?
“Thanks for st©pping by to check on me. I’ll be at school tomorrow” he said
“All right” I said in a voice that is more like a whisper.
Jeffrey nodded with a broad smile and I got lost in it..His smile, pres£nce – big, tall and muscular.
Jeffrey rubbe-d my jaw with gaze fixed on myl-ips. He was going to k!ssme, I didn’t know how i knew it but I did. And I was going to let him even though i knew without doubt that I shouidnt let Him.
He c@m£ closer and leaned in. I tilted my chin so slightly. And then Jeffrey did it. He k!$$£d me. On the cheeks!
“Have a good night sleep” He said as he stepped back afterward.
It took me a moment to realize what had happened. I stood there,stunned and a little embar@ssed that the tilt of my chin might have given him an idea that I’d expected more than a k!sson the
Gosh! Kate has gotten into you?!
“Do you want me to drive you home?”
I heard him say. And I j£rked back to life.
“No..No..no..I’ll take a taxi”
“Then let me walk you -”
“N..no..Need.. I’ll be fine” I said
I was embarr@ssed
Why did i made it obvious that I was expecting a k!sson thel-ips!
“Bye..See you tomorrow” i said in a rush.
I walked away from him and bu-mped into someone.
“Oh Sorry!” Aunty Joke said
Unbelievable! She was eavesdropping! She must have seen everything!
Oh My God!
I rushed out of the store.
Now that am far from Jeffrey I felt a bit relief.
But how am i going to face him tomorrow?
God Help Me!
Don’t let this feeling take the best p@rt of me!
It was never in my plans to fall in love with any boy in high school. Now am in Elena’s League.
“Single but in love”
I hail down a taxi
“Gold Estate” I said
“Come in Miss” the driver said
I entered the car and sighed with relief again.
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