10 DAYS WITH BELLA - Final Episode 20
( Our 10day’s Contract)
(A month later)
Right now Bella is dressed with a red long go-wn, Knight had said his taking her out tonight, she’s so happy during this one month relationsh!pof theirs , Knight has been the best b©yfri£ndever, he took her outing alot and to his business p@rties, infact he had officially announced to his business co workers that Bella was his girlfriend , lots of women envied Bella mostly Knights whores , but she was proud because Knight took her anywhere he goes ap@rt from his office, his family are so happy to hear she’s knights girlfriend but they haven’t told them Bella was pregnant yet, it was knights decision for it to be kept first cause his been planning to propose to her so he wants to expo-se it after Bella officially becomes his fiance .
Bella k!$$£d her mother cheek and hvged her brother Before she ran out with her heels when josh saw her he laughed Bella smiled.
” Why aint you wearing your heels ? He asked.
” Oh josh will you st©p giving me that look,you Know I don’t want to keep Knight waiting” she said and got into the p@ss£ngers seat josh Chuckled got into the car too, he watched as Bella began putting on her shoe and he chuckled more, Bella sp@ñk him and he laughed .
” j£rk” she muttered and josh Chuckled earning a glare from her , as he drove off .
” I wonder why Knight will suggest we go out so late , it’s so dark ” she sighed.
Josh looked at her.
” Its not so dark, it’s just late” he said getting another sp@ñk from Bella .
” Ouch, that hurts ” he rubbe-d his n£¢k, and she smiled at him.
They finally arrived at a big hall, and josh parked the car they got down.
” Why are we here ? She asked.
Music started playing inside the hall as josh went closer to Bella.
” plea-se permit me to hold your hand ” josh said and Bella frowned.
” Knight will kill you ” she said and josh Chuckled.
” It was his instruction that I do so” josh Replied taking Bella’s hand in hers as she glared at him and they both walked into the hall.
Bella saw many instrumentalists, some playing violin, others b!owing trumpet, the house was decorated with shining lights everywhere, some are stars .
” Wow this place is beautiful” Bella said looking around.
” I will leave you to go now” josh said standing at the middle of the hall Bella turned to josh confused.
” Where are you going and why would you leave me here , and also why isn’t anyone here ? She asked looking around , the rest of the place was dark but the stage was light that’s were the Instrumentalist are .
” Don’t be scared, just go up on the stage and wait there , it’s an instruction” he said before bella could talk josh alre-ady walked into the darkness and left .
Bella signed and started walking to the stage gently untill she claimed the stage since her heels were high she claimed gently, holding her go-wn up, when a guy c@m£ from the stage to help her up she smiled and thanked him .
Okay now she’s on the stage what will happen now? The guy left and a lady walked to her with so many roses, Bella frowned and collected it thanking the lady, what was happening she wonders, she took the card and opened it but nothing was written on it.
Another lady walked to her and handed her an envelope, she frowned and collected it the lady left and she quic-kly opened the envelope still holding the bouquets in one hand .
Bella Kinston.
I don’t know where to begin from , but the first time I met you , I was so b!own Like the breeze because you were so beautiful, then I tried all my possible best to get you into my be-d, I c@m£ up with threatening you which I shouldn’t have done , you ended up spending 10 days with me, in this 10 days you changed me completely, you helped to heal my de-ep wond, you stood by me and helped me even when you know how risky your involvement would be, I ended up falling in love with you without realizing it till you left , weeks past and you c@m£ back with the best news that ton-g my heart even up till now, that your carrying my child ,
Words alone can’t express how I feel, but I’d like to ask some questions my dear beloved Bella , how do you see a future with us together? How do you see if we st©p being b©yfri£ndand girlfriend and start a new chapter? How do you see we build a new mansion and have about 5 to 6 kids running around ? How do you see yourself becoming my wife ? I love you Bella and it’s time to move ahead, so once your done re-ading this why don’t you turn around .
Your love
Knight Houston
Bella turned around as she saw Knight on one knee and a ring in his hand, she g@sped and the roses and paper fell from her hand , she placed her hand on both her mouth and che-st as tears whirl down her eyes .
” We’ve alre-ady come a long way Bella, our starting point was really rou-gh, and we never knew fate only brou-ght us together, how about you change your last name my love , bear my last name and have my children, how does Bella Houston sounds?we will build a castle in any p@rt of the world , plea-se marry me and let’s start a new chapter my love …will you be my wife ? He asked .
By this time Bella was alre-ady in so much tears as herl-ips trembled and hands shaking.
She nodded her head in able to talk, Knight smiled at as she brou-ght out her left hand for him to place it on her engagement f!nger , once he did he got up .
” Yes, I will be your wife …oh my God” she cried and hvgged him ti-ghtly after he k!$$£d her. Knight smiled and stroke her hair before all the lights c@m£ on and the hall was crowded, they were all cl@pping and Bella’s eyes wi-den .
Knight chuckled seeing her expression, even her mother and brother was here now , Bella couldn’t help the joy she felt that moment, people started coming to congratulate them Knights family and hers then his crazy brother’s.
The engagement p@rt began , and they danced together while others danced with their p@rtners sam danced with his grandmother.
Later Knight announced Bella is a month and 2 weeks pregnant people rejoiced and danced more after congratulating them , Knight k!$$£d Bella Infront of everyone and they cheered .
” Mommy , daddy hurry up we will be late for the p@rty ” 3 years Jane yelled .
Yes Jane is knight and Bella’s daughter, they named her after Knights mother, they got married 2 months after the engagement p@rty.
“Mom dad, we will be late” Jane called again sitting on the couch , Knight walked to her with her shoes in his hand .
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” Coming baby ” Bella yelled from the stairs.
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“Princess come put on your shoes” Knight said putting Jane on his lab, and started wearing her shoe for her .
” Dad mom is very lazy ” Jane said ma-king Knight chuckled.
” I heard that ” Bella said coming down the stairs with her big belly , yes she’s 8 months pregnant.
Knight chuckled and Jane hide her face on her daddy’s che-st Bella laughed.
” Princess let me help your mom okay ? Knight said dropping Jane on the couch who started playing with her dad’s phone.
Knight went to help Bella down from the stairs by holding her hand .
” Thanks honey ” she said k!ss!nghisl-ips .
“I love you ” Knight whispered and Bella blu-shed.
” Mom dad can we go now we will be late for the p@rty ” Jane yelled again ma-king Knight to chuckle as Bella rolled her eyes .
” We should get going before your daughter kill’s us” Knight tea-sed .
” She’s just like you gosh, she controls alot ” Bella said ma-king Knight k!$$£d her cheek .
” Oh common baby , why won’t she , I took so much energy in ma-king you scream all the time to get her into the world” Knight said and Bella’s eyes wi-den.
” Knight” she warned and he chuckled.
Jane placed her hand on her w@!st glaring at her parents.
” So dad, you made mom scream all day just to bring me into the world ? Jane asked and Knight and Bella’s eyes wi-den .
” Hah little girl we should start going to the p@rty ” Knight carried her in his arms as Bella Chuckled .
But Jane was still talking on their way and Knight and Bella couldn’t help but rolled their eyes .
They arrived at his family house , people were alre-ady around , it was their 60th anniversary, and their celebr@ting.
” Hello granny” Jane called coming down from her father’s arms running to hvg floren who picked her up .
“Hello baby how are you ? Floren asked k!ss!ngher cheek .
” Am very fine granny, Happy anniversary” Jane said k!ss!ngfloren’s cheek .
” Thanks baby ” she said
Knight and Bella greeted them Jacob carried Jane and k!$$£d her , Knights brother shook him and they hvgged, floren ca-ressed Bella’s big belly the p@rty started.
Floren and Jacob cut their cakes and fade each other , they loved each other so much .
” Don’t worry babe, ours is next month ” Knight whispered to Bella’s ear as she smiled at him .
” I can’t wait” she whispered.
” Who would have thought our 10 days contract will turn into an everlasting future ? Knight asked .
” It was fate that brou-ght us together” Bella whispered as they looked into each other’s eyes .
” Thank you for coming into my life and giving me our beautiful princess and my little prince in here ” Knight said tou-ching her stomach.
Bella wra-pped her hand around his n£¢k .
” And thank you for forcing me into this contract with you , if not there wouldn’t had been our love , Jane or little Prince” Bella said and Knight smiled .
” I love you so much Mrs Bella Houston” Knight whispered.
” I love you too Mr Knight Houston” she whispered too and they both k!$$£d each other , forgetting they were around people.
” Oh my god , grandpa ,granny look , daddy and mommy is k!ssing” Jane yelled .
And they bur-st out laughing, as Bella blu-shed and buried her face in Knights che-st as he chuckled, Jane smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
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